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What You Need to Know Before he Marries you as Second Wife

There are usually many signs to be picked but the often self imposed pressure makes many miss them; thinking “nobody’s perfect”, “I’ll manage” or “He’ll change”. But from what is now a common trend, the change never comes. There are so many things you’d be blessed to identify if you allow yourself to he open

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Follow This Procedure to Increase Sexual Stamina in Your Wife

Typically the reason many will not leave phones unlocked, this is a narrative all too familiar. We often attribute very little to the wife at home, often seeking excuses around looks and weight even when it’s easy to see, being that wife is really not easy. It’s easy to picture a woman somewhere else but

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Spouse Not paying Attention? Read This

Many people complain about their spouses not paying attention to them but when you check deeper, you find more to it. The first question is “why?” Why should your spouse pay as much attention to you? Now, people get on the defensive here and go “because we are married” but then why are you not

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The human heart is not a toy to play with when in a relationship

Heart break is now a pandemic in our society were people fake love just to achieve their aim and disappear. it is sad to say, heartbreak have become so rampant that people now are so comfortable with it which leads to having fear and doubts whenever they want to give another chance. The heart of

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