Reason Why Some Successful Marriage End in Divorce

Have you ever wondered how one day you see a couple appearing to do so well and the next thing, Boom! Divorce?
Yes, for some, you see the fights and you know they are struggling but some, even they don’t know they are struggling that much. well, at least to one party.
A very common reason is when issues exist but one tiny piece at a time, one side keeps ignoring and bottling it in until saturation and they are ready to explode. To the other, there’s no issue, at least nothing that big to worry about.
But what if effective nuptial communication had occurred?
What if in being effective, desired results had been gotten and those not so small things had been sorted?
Perhaps, what eventually explodes into divorce in many homes, may just have ended as a simple conversation making them stronger.
Now, here’s where we are today. Are your bottling anything in? Think deeply about it.
Is you spouse bottling anything in? You should pay attention.
Pay attention enough to discuss it and effect the desired change needed to mend the issues at hand.
If you are not sure how to go about this, reach out to me inbox and we can take it from there.
These issues exist all over, NOBODY is immune. The idea is to keep trying to get better.
May our homes be healed.
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