– You are always afraid to say what you think.
– Conversations that are serious can’t happen.
– You are avoidably lonely.
– Problems are dealt with by making threats
– Words that hurt are the norm.
– You are not allowed to grow.
– You are hurt by other people.
– Keep quiet.
– Not being pushed enough.
– You can’t talk to your friends and family.
– You can’t move around nearly enough.
– Someone is watching you.
– There is emotional blackmail.
– No apologies, even when it’s clear you’re wrong.
– What you earn can’t be spent.
– What other people say is more important than what you say.
-You don’t like having to take risks.
– Money and sex are used to punish people.
– People always try to make you look bad.
– You don’t have a purpose.
– You have feelings for someone else.
– It’s easy to tell lies.
– You feel insecure.
– The marriage gives you no privacy.
– Efforts only go one way.
– Doesn’t care.