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marriage relationship

Signs You May be in a Toxic Marriage

– You are always afraid to say what you think. – Conversations that are serious can’t happen. – You are avoidably lonely. – Problems are dealt with by making threats – Words that hurt are the norm. – You are not allowed to grow. – You are hurt by other people. – Keep quiet. –

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A Woman Without Means of Livelihood Will Struggle More to Leave an Abusive Marriage

No one gets married hoping it won’t work out, but that’s the way life is. Whenever the need for women to have a way to make a living comes up in a conversation, there are always people who speak defensively, almost as if having a job makes you less of a wife or mother. Still,

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marriage relationship

Choosing a Right Partner? Here are things You Should Know

Choosing to settle down with someone is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make, because it can literally make or break you. People will give you different packages, but the fake ones almost always have something in common. Time: They were either in a hurry or took too long to do things. They

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What Makes Happy Marriage? Prayers or Good Characters?

If you look at the numbers, you’ll see that marriages in religious circles seem to have the same or even more problems than those in secular circles. This makes you wonder what exactly the prayers, fasting, and supposed religious values are for. You would be wrong to think that they are not important. The problem

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Want Access to Your Spouse Phone? Read This!

You have the right to privacy on your devices, but when you get married, that right changes because your spouse also has the right to know what you are up to (similar to how you also deserves to know what said spouse is up to). People who have something to hide give off signs, whether

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PCOS, Erectile Dysfunction, and HIV are All Examples of Health Problems That Many People are Dealing with Right Now

Going through this is hard enough, but many people also face discrimination, which makes them even more afraid to talk about their conditions. Many people then make the mistake of keeping it a secret because they think that once they are married, it will be hard for the other person to back out. Know first

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How You Can Confirm Your Sexual Compatibility Without Having Premarital Sex

Sexual compatibility in marriage is being used more and more as a “legal” way to take advantage of people who may have said “no sex” in a relationship. Yes, sexual compatibility is a big deal in marriage, but what no one tells you is that you and your partner can reach that state if you

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12 of the Lies Men Tell Most Often in Relationships

I WON’T CHEAT EVER AGAIN: Everyone wants to think that their boyfriend won’t cheat on them again, but if he’s done it once, he probably will do it again. Cheating turns into a habit that is hard to break. If you find out that your boyfriend has been cheating on you, it’s a clear sign

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After 10 years of marriage, what does romance really mean?

People ask me how they can “keep the romance alive” in their marriages because I write advice columns. This confuses me a little because I know that when they say “romance,” they mean the traditional kind, which is based on living inside a big, exciting question mark. This version of romance is all about that

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Why You Should Not Fear Traveling Abroad With Your Family

In order to make a better life for ourselves and our families, one of the choices we have to make today is whether to stay where we are and build there, or to move somewhere else, start over, and build from there. Many people think it’s an easy question to answer, but the cost of

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