Many think because penetrative sex has not happened, it is not cheating. This is wrong.
The moment you begin to do something that goes against being loyal to your spouse then you are cheating.
I often hear people claim “nothing is happening, we have not had sex”.
No, it doesn’t need sex, it may be as little as a flirty chat, a deliberate compliment laced with undertones or sexual innuendos.
Ask yourself if you’d be able to freely and morally do it with your spouse knowing. If you cannot answer yes then you are there already.

Now, many reasons will exist, some flimsy, many complicated. However, it doesn’t change the reality. Cheating is cheating.
Cheating is addictive and many will struggle with it. Luckily, it can be made better and even stopped.
Getting the professional help you need is critical but even more important is knowing you need help.
We are human, these things happen. We can blame the people involved or we can provide the help they need to be better. For me, providing the help is better.
Send me a message inbox to get started.